The Amazing Truth of Queen Raquela the movie that traces its origins in Cebu. But what is really the true contents of this movie that we are dying to see for. Curiosity really kills. After garnering the best feature film of the recently concluded Teddy Awards in the Berlin Film Festival. The award giving body for LGBT-related films.
As it bested other entries from different countries in the world, it would be nice that we can have the opportunity to view this internationally considered movie about a "ladyboy" prostitute here in our country. this would a great way to show if the truth in the Raquela movies the true to the reality of Philippine society especially to the reality of ts/tg in the country.
What was shown in the trailer, the film was creatively furnished with scenes of ts/tg and her continuing relationship within the restrictive society she is living. The reality of poverty, discrimination and partiarchal domination in the Philippines.

The movies was about Raquela who dreams of escaping the streets of Cebu City and live a fantasy to have queenly life in Paris. She turned to prostitution to achieve her dreams. Believing that men from first world (his prince charming) can give her the life she imagined. Her prostitution brought her from the street to the very private the more profitable business of Internet porn. She succeeded to be a famous a porn star that paved way to having more online friends, including Michael, his boss in the porn site and Valerie, a ladyboy from Iceland.

Eventually Valerie helps Raquela to fly out to Iceland. There, she experienced the hardness and taste the milk and honey she longed for. Michael, then offers her a rendezvous in Paris. then the rest was.........watching the whole movie when it arrives in theater near you!!!!
I just hope that movie

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