Pageants have been a part of the lives for tg/ts. For some it is their way to feel and show people their beautiful, some want to be famous, some want to earn income and support their lives on it and some tg/ts just want to have fun. The time pageant for women was born was also the time it gave birth to ts/tg pageants. International beauty pageants such as Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International and Miss Earth pageants as the framework of for the celebration of ts/tg's joyful femininity.
Now thats joyous celebration has been tested if it managed to overcome the perils of time. Before i was exposed to ts/tg pageants, i had never known what it was like. Till I experience it later in my first year college by joining the pageant organized by the LGBT organization at school. Since then I always join pageant till I've been competing in big tg pageants in Cebu with other veteran, beautiful and feminine tgs/tss.
Cebu province's prestigious tg/ts pageant is held ever after the city Fiesta celebration of Mandaue. It has a long history dating back in 198o's and had been the most expected event every year. Contestants coming from different parts of the country are free to join the pageant. Choosing the contestant are in the hand of jurors decision by the criteria of beauty, intelligence, and confidence.
Most winner of this pageant have been famous among tg/ts/tv/g community in Cebu. But then since last year after Mr. Doy Arradaza passed away. The credibility of the prestige in the pageant was in question. Maybe this is due to the accommodation and prices for the pageant candidates.
It is understandable that last years pageant was a turning point for the pageant to continue rather than put in grave. Due to most church criticism and sanctions such as not holding fiesta mass if tg/ts/g pageants is part of a fiesta program in the parochial community. Funding also was the problem for the last year pageant because of the scandal the mayor had gone through. But still it was realized and pushed through to held the pageant.
Today, interest for tg/ts pageants among transgender is also put to question. Ho much interest does the new generation have for tg/ts pageants? Will the prestige of the tg/ts/g Mandaue pageant continues or depreciates? When will be this pageant turn to be an institution to give permanence to the event? Does it need more organizational structure to be an institution? Will that be the time that this marginalized part of Cebuano society to form an organization for its welfare? When will the tg/ts/g form a group for the welfare of its kind?
The answer is in each one of us. (especially with the G&T community of Cebu)
Pls comment on what you think about the questions....
theres only 3 things why transgender and gay crossdressers are joining beauty pageants such like this in every town fiestas way back before is for the money fun and honor or title but nowadays the trend is slowing down due to parish churches around the community is banning this kind of fun activities in barrio fiesta cause they say its immoral nowadays transgender are also loosing this kind of interest cause yeah specially for money sake they think they can earn more chitchatting on the net or became escorts recently and woundt even bother to give time for those pageant thing
Pageants are interesting and a way for the beauty of a TG woman to be recognized, BUT, is it now time for the TG woman to become part of the mainstream society and not draw attention to her "special" gender? It's quite obvious to me that TG women are beautiful, smart, articulate, etc. but I see the pageant as just one more activity that labels them as "gay", "TG", and I'm not a big supporter of using labels at all. If it's seen as one of the ways that a Filipina TG can earn some money because the society still does not accept her in mainstream careers.......well it's a sad statement for the tolerance and acceptance by society.
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