In time with the creation of planet transgender, it will be nice to tell you about what this blog all is about. I created this blog because i want to write the events that happened everyday in my life, my thoughts about all things i encounter.With that i can show to you what my world as a transgender and to know more about the life we have!
Yo abro mi semana a estudair en espanol!Why?(por que?) Porque me gusta aprender la lengua. yo quiero voy a espana para vivir alli. Por eso se' tener oportunidad para mi futuro. Y tambe', tener una vida con amormio.
Hahaha!hope you understand that.(Espero vos entender ese.) Anyways, the importance of Spanish for the newly graduates (like me) and to all of us, is that for your information having knowledge of another or more language aside from one's mother tongue gives the advantage to be hired for most international companies worldwide especially in Europe. Filipinos, who were colonized by Spain for 300 more years, had been exposed to the culture and especially the language of the Spaniards. With the presence of Spanish words in our vocabularies, it is very easy to "entender"(understand) the Spanish language.
This is why I pursued to learn more about the language and develop my speaking, writing, and understanding of Spanish. In Europe, you are not allowed work and study if you cant talk in the EU countries respective languages. As Spanish is what I'm taking now, it is not just Spain as my main destination, but the whole Spanish- speaking countries in the world in Americas, Africa and Asia (Philippines). I don't want to be static on the language I used and don't have to be dependent on English, we will be behind if we do so. If what we do is to have a good job then we have to improve our language skills.
If u are interested to work abroad, we have to be more competent enough in par with other international workers. Let us not stick on service-oriented jobs because what most of us took in the universities are of in-demand courses about giving services in health, tourism, hospitality and etc. Even though school standards here cant compare from schools abroad but we, as professionals, are intelligent enough to do the jobs we have and give our best for it.
Let us enhance more of our working skills and knowledge just by learning other languages. Its not just about u do it because you want to have a job but your learning of such language is of your interests. So, for those who want to study another language, grab the opportunity and make the most of it. As diversity is innate in all of us, then we have to take consideration the diversity of others outside our territorial vicinity:-). It can be the way of the more influx of ideas from the rest of the world and normalizing the prepositions such as "inter" and "trans" because of that exchange.
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