Well, there are a lot of things happened to my life during the passed mid-year. Getting along from the side-effects of the Christmas vacation, then my Graduation, to my haircut. till landing in a job and then back at getting unemployed.
Anyways as obvious to my earlier blogs I was at a spell during my vacation till i got over it at the time my relationship with my man. But then u have to accept some facts in life that theres always yin and yang to eperiencea and have been there and managed to struggle till you have to start again. But then frustrations come and tried to ruin you but at the end optimism came and puts you back where u have walked through to be back on track.
But im happy to have overcome those experiences that made me feel that it is still me that has the power to continue what ive strived for (if there really was) and feel that thislife is just one and have each day of it worthy.
Now what i want is to achieve my dreams and fullfill what i really wanted to do. Being independent know makes me feel that im strong and that whatever choices i maden there will be no regrets felt.
So head on to the future with my heads up and proud that i have manage my personal weaknesses. ill be looking back to the learnings from the past which is a good tool for me to use in this stage im in now for my future history:-)
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